FastGreen Q-PCR Master Mix (2X), High ROX is a ready-to-use solution for performing
accelerated quantitative real-time PCR on the Applied Biosystems: ABi 7000 PRISM,
7300, 7700, 7900HT, 7900 HT Fast, StepOne and StepOnePlus.
The master mix includes Q-Fast Taq DNA polymerase that has been specifically engineered for faster replication, dNTPs, qGreen Fluorescent DNA binding Dye (substitute for SYBR Green I dye), ROX passive dye, and Mg2+ in an optimized PCR buffer. FastGreen Q-PCR Master contains unique heat-labile polymer that inactivate Taq DNA polymerase at room temperature and activate Taq DNA polymerase at 95oC in 10 sec. The unique mutant Taq and heat-labile polymer in combination with an optimized buffer ensures PCR specificity and sensitivity in accelerated processing time.
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Fast Taq Activation |
FastGreen Q-PCR Master Mixes contains heat-labile polymer in combination with an optimized buffer ensures PCR specificity and sensitivity in accelerated processing time |
Zero Primer Dimer in NTC |
Q-Fast Taq DNA Polymerase and the optimized buffer eliminate non-specific amplification and formation of primer dimers |
Fast PCR Speed |
Q-Fast Taq DNA Polymerase is the innovative hot-start DNA polymerase, newly engineered for rapid, robust performance.3x faster DNA synthesis and high inhibitor tolerance. |