amfiRivert cDNA Synthsis Platinum Master Mix is specially designed for high-yield Reverse transcription system that is fully active at 40-60 ℃ and the highest cDNA yield of all RTs. amfiRivert cDNA Synthsis Platinum Master Mix includes an optimized primer mix which results in the generation of first-strand cDNAs from an entire transcript without the end-bias observed with typical oligo(dT)n or random hexamer primers. This mixed primer strategy overcomes variability in real-time PCR gene expression analysis that can result from using different individual primers.
For convenience, amfiRivert cDNA Synthsis Platinum Enzyme Mix contains a amfiRivert Reverse Transcriptase and RNase Inhibitor Plus. amfiRivert Platinum cDNA Synthsis Platinum 2X Buffer Mix contains a fixed MgCl2 and dNTP Mixtures, and optimized primer mix (Oligo dT(18)/Random Hexamer) minimizing extra optimization and pipetting steps.
- High Yield of Intact cDNA Synthesis
- cDNA Synthesis up to 17.8 Kb
- Mixed Priming Eliminates End-bais
- Full Activity at 40-60 degree