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549 products

Showing 529 - 549 of 549 products
West-Q Pico ECL SolutionWest-Q Pico ECL Solution
iVDye 50bp DNA LadderiVDye 50bp DNA Ladder
Save $34
iVDye 100bp DNA LadderiVDye 100bp DNA Ladder
RIPA Cell Lysis Buffer (1X) with EDTARIPA Cell Lysis Buffer (1X) with EDTA
Save $123
amfiSure qGreen Q-PCR Master Mix(2X), High RoxamfiSure qGreen Q-PCR Master Mix(2X), High Rox
Xpert Prestained Protein Marker
amfiSure PCR ONE PCR Master Mix(2X)amfiSure PCR ONE PCR Master Mix(2X)
amfiEco PCR PremixamfiEco PCR Premix
amfiEco Taq DNA PolymeraseamfiEco Taq DNA Polymerase
DMEM/Ham's F-12 (1:1 Mixture); No Phenol Red
Trypsin-EDTA(1X), 0.05%
Trypsin, 2.5%(10X)
Trypsin-EDTA(10X), 0.5%
Trypsin-EDTA(1X), 0.25%
L-Glutamine, 200mM(100X)
Antibiotic-Antimycotic (100X), Liquid
amfiRivert Reverse Transcriptase
Acrylamide : bis 40%, 19:1 Solution
Save $278
Agarose SeproAgarose Sepro
Agarose Sepro
$139 $417

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